Saturday, April 23, 2011

Not All Natural Remedies are Old Wives Tales

It seems like no matter who you talk to they've got a natural remedy or an old wives' tale about getting pregnant. Some really are hair brain ideas, like the ever famous "just relax," others do have some substance behind them.

When I first started charting I noticed my luteal phase (LP), the time between ovulation and the beginning of my period, was on the short side. Normally the LP should be anywhere from 10-16 days long, mine was an average of 10, but had been as short as 8.

Of course my first mistake when noticing this trend was to employ Dr. Google to help solve the problem. As anyone knows who has ever been a patient of Dr. Google for any ailment, the news is never good, even if the problem is as simple as a hangnail. So of course I was bombarded with articles about LP defects, progesterone deficiencies, and other scary sounding problems. In all reality yes, it could cause problems getting pregnant, but most likely there could be a simple solution.

In my case the solution I came across was vitamin B6. J had already suggested we start taking a B-complex for energy since we both wanted to start working out more, so I figured might as well kill two birds with one stone, right?

I noticed within a couple days the added energy which was great, but only time and charting would tell about anything else. My first clue was that I ovulated sooner than normal, before it usually happened somewhere between day 18 and day 22, this cycle it was day 15. So I kept charting and kept waiting to see how long before the redheaded bitch made her presence know. The real shocker was she didn't show up until 13 days later, 3 days longer than my previous average! Also my post-ovulation temps were consistently higher than normal as well.

We won't know until we start trying in the fall if this will give us any help to get pregnant, and I can't wait to see if the improvements to my cycle will continue. However it just goes to show, sometimes it's worth giving something a try to see if it will help.