Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Getting Started

I just turned 25 a week ago and I'm a nanny. I'm married to my wonderful husband J who is a preschool teacher, and also eight and a half years older than me. We've talked about wanting to start a family since our early days of dating, and although he won't admit it, I think his clock is ticking a little louder than mine. Needless to say, between our careers and our desire for children of our own babies, kids, pregnancy, and right now most importantly getting pregnant are on my mind quite a bit.

I've been doing my research and practicing fertility awareness for awhile now, but it seems like with all the information floating around out there it's easy to get overwhelmed. So this is what has brought me to a place of wanting to start a blog. Originally the idea was to simply use it as a "holding cell" for all the information I wanted to keep track of, but then it occured to me I'm surely not the only one getting lost in the sea of information about trying to concieve and child rearing, so if I'm already putting the information together why not share it with others?

I'll be honest, this will mainly focus on the topics and ideas that I have the most concern about and passion for. Not every post may be for every reader, but I'm hoping there will be something for everyone. I will probably talk a lot about charting my cycles (which I think I may do an intro post about soon), natural suppliments meant to help with the process of trying to conceive, information I have collected about natural birthing techniques and breast feeding, and general things about kids I've learned through J and I's jobs.

And the name of the blog? Well, unlike some other bloggers who have already "been there" I'm still exploring, and until I get there I want to be prepared for any of the possibilities that come our way. Do I hope we avoid any trouble getting pregnant? Of course, but if we face that hurdle I'd rather be prepared. Do I plan on having a natural birth without any intervention? Yes, but things happen and I'd rather be educated on them now instead trying to figure it all out as it's about to happen. And when we do have kids? As I've already learned from the two I work with, anything's possible!